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Friday, February 14, 2014

My biggest love

Wenaaas Hi ya!!

I was sick for a few days/weeks. But I’m a little better now so here it is.

This special occasion I want to dedicate this post to the one I love the most.I love many souls in my life but this one is special.

He loved me before I was born.
His love kept me safe when the doctor broke my collarbone when I was born.

And He kissed it every day for it to heal.
He gave me his and his mothers name after a week of birth.

He gave me big and gracious gifts and others not so gracious.
He called my name and told me to fully accept him when I was 10. 
Showed me how much he loved me no mater what.
Made me free so I could see the difference. 
But was and is always there even if I never ask for help.
He is always there waiting to embrace me and show me that no one will ever love me more.

Yes he is My Father. My Holly Father.

Some may go nuts about me calling him just my father. But that is who he is. 
Don’t misunderstand me; I have a (human) father. But he is a totally different story. 

I’m a good girl and surround myself with those that know and trust in how good I could be and am. My holly Father knows me better and sure knows that with me what you see is what there is. Nothing else. Nothing to hide and no second intentions.  

Even if I may fail him in some way, he knows that I’m just a little human that needs to learn by herself. And that my sense of curiosity may get me in trouble but never to deep cause he taught my mother how to teach me to choose for better. To know what is good or bad. To know when I had to stop or push more (art that I didn’t master yet) And to know when to shield my self with him. Cause as my father that he is he is there to protect me and care for me. My Father is always there. I’m not saying that I have never been harmed. That what happen to me was all to make me stronger. 
If nothing ever happened to me I would not be so aware that he loved me so much to answer every time I called. 
And that kind of love could only be corresponded with more love

That is why no mater how small my faith may be I will hold on to my father that loves me. Cause after all he is the only one that have that will never leave me.

I’m not doing this to tell you to search for God (your father) but to tell you how good he was to me. Just for the sharing ;-) To inspire  is better then commanding. :D 

Hope you liked the story. Happy Valentines Day 

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