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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Weight catastrophe

Wenaaaass Hi ya!!

Ok I know you may have heard many of the stories. But I’m gonna tell you mine any ways. 

This is a long story so it is gonna be in 2 parts.

I had always had a big problem with the food. I love it but IT seems not to like me much. People who know me Now would not ever think that I was a size XS(45kg) once.
Ok let me tell you how things went.

As I developed I was really skinny. Why? I did not like to eat. I was always picky when it came to food. The only thing that I loved was sweets (the devil).

Since I was 13 or so I was a size x-small (45 kg). Things changes after getting birth control pills (normal) when I was 16 and I was 50 kg back them. 
Why I got them? 
I had too much pain during my period. So Doc decided to give me them to try to make it less. But guess what? That is an other story.

Any way after that I started gaining weight. But that was normal so I did not worry. After I got to 55 kg I was getting worried. Not that bad but for me it was a big thing. So I started working out. Why?  I guess I was worried of not fitting in my cloths. 
Did it work? Not much. But I still got a lot of muscle toning and that was fine to me. But I was starting to get obsessed with the weight thing. So I ran 5 days a week with my dog and exercised 6 days a week, took my measurements once a month or anytime anxiety hits me. And I wore a corset every day. Ow and I stopped eating sweets as much as I could and went on a diet.

Now that I sit and think about it, I think I was anxious about growing up maybe. I was not really conscious that I did not really want to grow up. 

But you know what happen? 
I kept gaining weight. So I went to the Doc to change the pills cause I was not planning on getting to chubby without having to earn it. So he did but it did not help so he had to change it again. So then it was the struggle of gaining weight, varicose veins and the menstrual cramps. And don’t forget getting migraines. Those pills where horrible. Damn it is had to be a woman!!
So I kept gaining weight even I was on diet and worked out. Till I injured my self so bad with the abdominals that I had to stop for approximately 3 moths. The thing was that my lower ribs are to open so when I was doing abs the bones rubbed too much on the muscle and I got a horrible blue blood mark under the skin. It was even difficult to walk so no abs till I’m healed. 

At that time I was 58 kg more or less. But I was thinking that I was too thick cause I am 1.58 cm high. But life is a bitch and yes after 4 moths of barely no exercise duh I was gonna gain weight. But not much cause I did not eat. I was starving myself. Still I got till 60. At that moment I said fuck this. I’m not gonna fight it anymore (not that much) in those moths of “forced laziness”. So I kept to the starvation and it was so printed in my head that I could not leave it. In my mind I had that FOOD WAS MY ENEMY!! Still now a days if I smell food and I feel like I’m gonna puke. After that I kept the corset and was lacing myself in every day and did only arms and legs in exercise. But I started dancing. I always loved to dance. But I was to busy working out that I did not have time. So 3 times (or more) a week I would take off my corset. Massage ma belly and then do belly dancing. 

Then I did stop measuring myself that much (once in 3 months) but I kept worried about not gaining too much weight. 

Trust me the feeling of difficulty to walk fast bothered me to much. Cause my legs are short so with the weight gain it would be difficult to move around. But I could not do much about it. 

I did not know better about eating techniques or diet and stuff. I was just cutting out things and that was it!

To be continued……..

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Wenaaaass Hi ya!!
I’m back. Yes I know that I said I was gonna be more constant but shit happens. So lets move on.

Today I wanna talk about some thing that happens to people a lot lately.
I’m talking about assuming things.
Let’s say you hear a story and you don’t get all the details. What do most people do? Assume something.
Is that the right thing to do? NO!!
Cause when you assume something it may not be the truth. You may judge people wrong and that is not fair.
What is fair?
Asking what happen, so you know from them what happen.

It is bad when the media (radio, news papers, TV and internet) do this. Cause the ruin your reputation without asking what happen so the get the hole news. And most people believe blindly what the media says.
But what is the saddest is when the people around you and those who should know you better assume, judge and believe rumors about you.
That is the most heart breaking thing ever. Cause you expect them to support you in hard moments. But they choose to let you down even they should be your witness that you are not what rumors say about you. They should know you better then what other say about you.

Let me try to put this in A case and 2 outcomes

Case: A marriage altercation and the woman wants divorce and say that the man held her hostage and abused her. But nobody has been harmed actually.

Outcome 1: Assuming
You hear that and say yes he is an abusive man and hit her that is why she wants divorce. That man is seen as a dangerous person and the woman is the poor victim. And you don’t know anything more. Just what you assumed.

Outcome 2: Asking
They ask what happen and you get both sides of the story with details. And realize the truth about what happen.

What really happened!!

He was never home so she felt alone and started getting attracted to other people. He felt like he was loosing his family and wanted to talk to her but she did not want to talk anymore cause she thinks it is waist of time talking about the same thing they have been talking about for the last year. And did not want him to convince her of trying again for nothing. So she starts walking away and he grabs her by the hand and makes her go to the room so they can talk where nobody can disturb them. And maybe the will make love after the make up there minds. But things went wrong and her husband starts acting like a paranoid freak that will not let her out of the room till they talk it out. So she feels “afraid” now. And does not what to see him again cause she sees that crazy look in his face. But he did not harm her in any way. He did not get aggressive or insulted her.

What a drama for nothing!!

Maybe yes he had lost his mind there. Who would not if you see what you worked so hard for get flushed down the drain?
His beautiful wife, his kids, house, car and the dog.

So now! What is more satisfactory?
To know the truth or assuming something and really not knowing anything?
You may sound like you are nosey. But if that person wants to tell what happened pleas DO NOT ASUME! It is not fair for none of the implicated.

So people ask. Asking makes you “wiser”. And it will not hurt to know the truth.