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Monday, September 30, 2013

The Thanks

Guys thanks for not getting mad at me for not posting for a few weeks. But I think I have to explain that when I feel to sick or depressed to sit on the pc and make an objective dissertation about things I will Not do it.
Like my pasarela teacher said to me(to the hole group) a time ago: If you are gonna do some thing do it Well or do not do it!
So I better not do it and later regret it. Cause I’m a perfectionist. Failed but perfectionist.

I hope that you will stay this good and any time I need some time off I’ll be able to taking it without people going crazy about me not being constant.
But those that know how auto-immune diseases can wreck you may understand that no mater how under control I may have it it is gonna break me down some times and stop me from going my way.  And I don’t have only one diseases to deal with, so sh*t may get HARD some times.

But guys THANKS to all those that understand me and cared about my health and for not minding me taking some time off.

Love you all


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why Players why?

Attention this is not hate speech against all man. This is about those that make themselves guilty on heart breaking and using others.

And here comes the question again. Why Lord why? Why don’t some people think? Why does the innocent have to pay for what others did in the past?
I question the way humans think a lot (mine to some times). Cause we seem to do the weirdest things. Even if we are one of the most intelligent beings we act like the dumbest.

Types of players
  1.    He is afraid of an serious relationship and starts having fun breaking hearts
  2.  chick broke  his heart  and he’ll break others (innocent or not) hearts
  3.    Nothing is wrong but he is just an other douche bag that thinks that females are made of his use.

Case 1 : Like I said in some post away, ask and you’ll get what you want.
 Why make life difficult? You have to start somewhere. People can and should not live in fear of daily situations. Stop being coward please. Cowards are not attractive at all.

Case 2 : The innocent pays for the past sinners.
 Why dude? Finish your unfinished business with her not with others. New person means new start. Learn that!!  A new relationship is a new opportunity for both. But don’t forget YOUR Old mistakes.

Case 3 : The insensitive douche bag.
 Aaamm dude do you have a mother? Good or bad you have/had one. Cause humans are not made in a lab. So the one that gave you life is a woman. So respect woman!! The are and will be mothers, sisters, grandmothers and daughters. Think that you could be the reason why more people may be behaving wrong.

Players are the reason of lesbians, lonely woman and b*tches. I’m not saying that any of them are right in there behavior but come on, we have to start somewhere.
A good man should be example of those around him. And as Kings and Leaders that you are you should know better. Men are those that should protect the family (the tribe). So if you seek female company is because the man wants that woman in his family (and to make it bigger).

So please don’t make life difficult. Be the intelligent being that you should be.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Annoying people on the bus

You are going to take a transport to your way, and as any public transport user you get in a bus. If you did wake up in a Good mood your day will probably get messed up by some human walking problem. Oh Lord why oh why?

Don’t you dislike people that act like they don’t want to fit with others and so they annoy everyone else?
Here are some examples of this type of person.

Then unwanted DJ

This person plays his/her phone with music so loud and some times there is already something playing. So you end up hearing a headache causing noise. Hey can you, can you play DJ at home? Or somewhere you don’t bother anyone else? Pleas don’t contaminate the air with your noise. You know there are 2 good inventions to let you give you the freedom to play what ever without disturbing others. They are earphones and headphones. Do you know those? The would be cool if you USE THEM!!

The kwak kwaki di kwak

That person that talks so much and loud that without wanting it you end up being part of his/her conversation. Aaagggg pleas we don’t wanna know you business. Please on one wants to be traumatized by your personal problems. Please pleas not so loud. Could you?

The bad-hearted Samaritan

That person that is so nice to share there germs with you by coughing or sneezing in font of the ventilation in an air-conditioned bus. Please  if you have a flu don’t sit in front of the ventilation. That is disgusting. We appreciate that you wanna share. But not your germs. There are so many ways to prevent spreading germs. Like handkerchiefs and paper towels. Please KEEP YOUR GERMS TO YOURSELF!!

The Royalty

That person that thinks that the bus is his/her taxi and should hurry to get where they want to go. Cause they are the only one paying here. Aaaammmm (breath and count to ten) hello this is a bus, not your taxi or your car. If you don’t like the route you should not be here. You should call a taxi or get a damn car. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLYONE PAYING here so chill and wait till we get to our destination.

When you get this kind of people on your way, you should try to ignore them as much as you can. But people if you are one of those annoying ones, please stop! There is no reason to make others life uncomfortable just cause you don’t care about them.