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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Two sided knife

Wenaaaass Hi ya!!

Lately I have been receiving some chain messages that got me a little upset. This kind of thing always had bother me. I think that some people don’t really watch out what they send to others.
I’m talking about chains that may be telling you a joke, a prayer or something and after wards telling you that they wish you the best but if you don’t pass this on certain amount of persons you’ll get bad luck and what so ever.

What is that all about?

Are you telling me a joke or are you passing some kind of bad energy/thought around? 
I mean really, what is that?

You show love to me or you wish me the worst? 
You can’t like send me a chain saying God loves you but if you keep this to yourself you will die.
Think for a second.
What that say about you when you send something like that to someone?
You are sending out a double sided blade/knife and if I get cut is it only my responsibility and problem?

Hmm well in my opinion it is not. Do you understand what means: what comes around goes around?

Do I have to explain it?

It is easy. 
When you send that kind of message you are sending subliminal message wishing wrong to an other and asking others to do the same.

(Raw description) It is like have unprotected sex with a person that fornicates around.
Easy equation
You+ that person= you get there germs and they get yours. 
That other people that this person has sex with has sex with get ya’ll germs and pass it on to other.  And so on. 
Ewww :S

Who’s fault? 
Us all. You for trusting someone and having unprotected sex (not so guilty but more naïve) and that person for thinking that sharing and accumulating germs is cool.

Now one more point. 

The difference between wishing wrong and warning of something. 

Warning is: if you keep on behaving like a jerk, someone will snap and hit you some day. That is something that may really happen.

Not that if I don’t do what you want I’ll get hit by a car or something. That is crazy! 
Some say that you should not believe in them that is why they send them any ways

Aaaaam Contradictory again. If you don’t believe in it why send it?
If you don’t believe in it CUT IT OFF and then send your joke or prayer or what ever it is. 

Doesn’t it sound better like that? With no bull sh*t.
That is when we don’t think and doe for doing. With won’t bring us anywhere in life.
I hope you got the point of this. And that you would think about it before you send something like that.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

We are perfect

Wenaaaaas Hi ya!!

I wanted to start this year with something more positive then normally

It’s about Perfection in human beings.

You look around and what do you see? Human, walking souls carrying bones flesh and amazing features. A party of eyes, lips, ears, noses, hair, body shapes and skin tones. Different ways of moving, sounds and smells.
None of them are the same even how much the look a like. All of them Perfect in there own way.

Yep Perfect! In some way.

As far as we understand perfection does not mean the same to us all. What you like and think is perfect must not be perfect to me or somebody else. It depends on what brings up that good feeling in you.
People may have there own opinion or feeling about how they would like to see you or some other. 
But doesn’t it depend on how comfortable you feel the way you are?
If you feel okay all natural or with make up, dressed in a certain way or not dressed :p
If you think you need a cosmetic fix to be your view of perfect, it all depends on your own taste.

People are art pieces. 
Some of them do not look that appealing but there is always gonna be someone that would stare at it with dreamy eyes, wondering about this beautiful art.

Come on even Quasimodo had his beautiful side.
Yeah I’m being funny now. But yes he was sweet to others, even when some where afraid of him and treated him like a monster.
Of course Quasimodo beauty was inside but that counts to right?

You know why people rejected him?
Because they only saw his hump on his back and his not much appealing face.
But did they knew how much of a good person he was or how much he could love Esmeralda?

People search for what is perfect or normal.

But what is normal?

Nothing really is. 

That normal thing is just a standard. And is it necessarily the best thing for you? 
So it depends again if it is good for you or not. If it brings that good feeling to you or not.

The point of perfection is that thing that gives you that good feeling that makes you feel that this is the right thing or person or situation.

So never judge a book by its cover. But search for the history inside. Appreciate everyone how ever they are.

Monday, January 6, 2014

A new year

Weeeeenassss, Hi ya!!

Bon aña tur hende!!
In our language (Papiamentu) here on Curacao means Good year to you all.

First I want to wish you success in all this year. That all you want may get accomplished.

Second I want to thank you all for reading what this highly opinioned lady has to say. And to really taking me serious when I gave some advice. Thank you so much cause I know I’m not doing the for nothing.

And last I want to apologize for not being constant. But Things happen and I got drifted away by uncontrollable situations. I know. I know no excuses. And I’m not intended to give you excuses. I’m just explaining cause you deserve that.
Any way. That little situation is behind the back and now it is time to get back on track.

This year I’ll try to bring more of other things that I would like to talk about but not forgetting what I’m here for. And of course telling you more about me.

So now!! Let this year be awesome!!
Be good and responsible.

Love you all.
