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Monday, January 6, 2014

A new year

Weeeeenassss, Hi ya!!

Bon aña tur hende!!
In our language (Papiamentu) here on Curacao means Good year to you all.

First I want to wish you success in all this year. That all you want may get accomplished.

Second I want to thank you all for reading what this highly opinioned lady has to say. And to really taking me serious when I gave some advice. Thank you so much cause I know I’m not doing the for nothing.

And last I want to apologize for not being constant. But Things happen and I got drifted away by uncontrollable situations. I know. I know no excuses. And I’m not intended to give you excuses. I’m just explaining cause you deserve that.
Any way. That little situation is behind the back and now it is time to get back on track.

This year I’ll try to bring more of other things that I would like to talk about but not forgetting what I’m here for. And of course telling you more about me.

So now!! Let this year be awesome!!
Be good and responsible.

Love you all.


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