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Friday, September 5, 2014

Stupid comments

I’m a about to rant a bout something for a moment cause this makes me really angry. So angry that I can not hold it in anymore.
It’s about stupid comments. For not to call the person who did it stupid himself.And it’s when they say: oh you don’t look sick at all!!

Oooh wait a minute, should I look sick for your amusement?
Why do you wanna see my suffering?
Does it make it any better?
Does it make you feel any different about me?
Does it make you feel better or happy?
Who said I wanted you or anyone to feel sorry for me?
Why can’t you appreciate my advanced disguise technique?
Does it make you unhappy to see me smiling and looking as nothing is happening?
Why do you wanna see me sick damn it!?

Some people make me so angry!! They just do not think before they say it.
I’m not telling you not to think of it. But analyze if it would be ok to say what is on your mind.
Now you said it.
Thanks for reminding me how sick I really feel, you damn fool!!
Thanks for your good job. I was just about to believe myself that I was ok and you ruined it.  Thank you damn it!!
Now I won’t be able to go true my day like I normally do and just have to face my reality at night.
Thanks to you I’ll have to deal with it all day. And won’t be able to get back to my pretend happy happy world for a few days cause you and your damn stupid comment kicked my fragile wall down.
Let me tell you something you are an ass hole!!
Thanks for putting more stress on me and not helping for me to get better.

If you don’t want people to tell you something like this hold your damn tongue and think first

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