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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wasting time on Judging

This started when my mom glass beads bracelet broke at the bus stop and we started picking them up. And when we came home my mom told me that the people around where looking at us like if we where crazy for picking them up. And I was like wtf? That people don’t know shit. That bracelet had unique beads in it. Some of them where even hand made glass beads and could cost 2 dollars each. Me leave what on the floor?
That is like leaving and art piece of art in the garbage.

As crafter I know what it is to see something beautiful in that others don’t see anything in it.
So people think that that bracelet was just bijoutery and did not have any value for them. But for my mom it did.  Cause she bought one every time she had the money to do so and loved every bead of it. Cause some of them where UNIQUE or hand made. So for her I had an added value.

So when you see something that may not be important to you respect it because it could mean the world to an other.Some things that apparently don’t mean much may not always have the same value to you that it does to an other.

Not knowing values or not respecting them for and other gets us stuck again with the communication. Instead of supposing or judging, why not asking why?
Think how many problems could had been solved or prevented if someone would have asked why and a reasonable answer would have been given. There where be less misunderstandings.
It sounds easy but it is apparently not. For some people it is better to think you are crazy or stupid then to ask: madam why are you picking them up? The fell already on the floor. (why and/or what are you doing)
Why? Isn’t it better or easier to ask? I mean you can not as every one but you can ask the closer ones. Like your family of someone you know that may be doing something that for you would look stupid.
I it better supposing something and then have to say sorry cause you where wrong? 
Isn’t there an other way to do things?
Wouldn’t it hurt less or make you less angry? 

But noooooo you have to keep quiet, doubt and think trash!! You have to let it work on your nerves for nothing!  Aggg pleas.

I know it can be difficult to beat that bad habit. But isn’t it wasting your time making your time more difficult to solve?

Think about it and stop wasting time. Ask!  :D

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